
So keep an eye on data analytics and the tools that make a data-driven approach possible. For brands that slip up, audiences will notice, and your credibility will be impacted. Technology can be a great tool to find out about your target audience, but PR experts are still needed to ensure a human connection. The way brands personalize their messages and content in general will need to be more authentic. PR professionals should not rely on journalists to bring their campaigns to life.

Interactive Content


There is no doubt that the fast-growing capabilities of AI are going to have big implications for the PR industry in the years to come. While some may worry about how this could change the industry, many see technology as only improving the daily workflows for PR professionals. It’s no longer enough for brands to give a simple nod to their corporate values, ethics, and their responsibility to their communities. Consumers are quick to call out companies that aren’t sincere in their efforts and the effect can truly damage a brand’s reputation. While companies have competitors within the market, that doesn’t mean we can’t build off each other to create valuable industry news and foster innovation. Companies in 2023 have heavily turned their attention to big data.

Owned media will become more critical for brands to build their digital presence and visibility.

It’s crucial to stand out from the crowd and grab their attention with a personalized PR pitch. Trust and credibility during a turbulent economy are key for any brand’s survival, which is why it’s one of the top PR trends in 2024 to directly address these challenges. In fact, one survey found that 91% of people want to see more video content from brands in 2024. And 89% said that watching video content convinced them to buy a product or service.

#3 -The Challenge to Impress Journalists

While technology allows us to learn more about a target audience than ever before, many agree it lacks the special connections that only a human can create. As more marketers and PR pros are using technology to develop custom experiences, it’s essential to maintain the human element that makes personalization authentic. In 2024, tracking the impact of your public relations efforts will be key.


Get seen in your industry as a thought leader

  1. For example, AI algorithms can help create personalized digital experiences or help you generate content and visuals.
  2. And by employing the right PR strategies at the right time, you can maximize good PR while making bad PR matter a lot less.
  3. Use this data to adjust your approach so you can improve your PR over time.
  4. While some may worry about how this could change the industry, many see technology as only improving the daily workflows for PR professionals.
  5. We’re seeing more noticeable trends emerge each year as the gap between PR and marketing narrows.

Public relations professionals must be responsive to changing news while producing content that captures these constantly evolving stories. Whether that looks like repurposing the hit into new, owned content, sharing it via social, or using it in an influencer campaign, amplification is a critical element of any PR strategy. Not doing so is truly a disservice to your business, as it means leaving so much in terms of potential results on the table. As the nature of PR opportunities available continues to evolve and change, PR pros will continue to use more varied channels to identify the right ones for their clients. Since 2008, newsroom employment in the U.S. has fallen 26%, even as the demand for online content has grown exponentially. With only 7.4% of U.S. journalists today considering their role extremely important, newspaper staffs continue to shrink.


These PR trends are what digital transformation looks like in PR. In effect, social media is the new crowdsourcing tool that every PR professional should be leveraging. Newsletters are another great way for companies to build brand awareness with the individuals who would have the most interest. Whether you’re launching your own or receiving a mention in another company’s monthly email, you’ll want to highlight your expertise and value through every line of copy. Stay on a consistent schedule of publishing your newsletters and provide different insights in every edition. This new PR medium is a great way to promote your products to the people who need them the most.

Why It Pays to Pay Attention to PR Trends

They set the standard for how smaller brands in the same industry function. Becoming performative has also been the downfall of many organizations. The opportunity for 2024 is that PR agencies can focus on thought leadership pieces that can be widely distributed by media outlets, which need external content sources. Follow this trend in 2024 to establish more trust in your client’s brand and show depth and credibility in your campaigns.

For example, AI algorithms can help create personalized digital experiences or help you generate content and visuals. A number of investors are confident that AI can solve myriad problems, and 1 in 5 PR professionals use AI in their strategies to communicate clearly and effectively. In the age of social media, crisis planning has become critical. It doesn’t take long for news to spread, and your actions can either work in your favor or against you. Sooner or later, every organization will experience a significant PR challenge.

What is more, the two-way communication that some platforms offer is perfect for eliciting responses that will lead to improved PR campaigns. It’ll allow PR to have a tangible impact on the target audience. As a result, publicists will be collecting consumer data with a more direct approach. This means having real-time conversations with their client’s prospects and present buyers via social media and community outreach channels like Discord.

PowerTrend is an international brokerage company for clients from different countries. By continuing to work on our platform, you agree that the laws of the jurisdiction of the Company apply to your relationship with the Company. An influencer can be just about anyone whose opinions are trusted. For example, a local radio DJ, podcaster, or online blogger or vlogger could be an influencer.

These platforms can be used to showcase thought leadership content and to develop relationships with the media or customers. Staying on top of industry prtrend trends is part of a PR professional’s job. The issues that mattered to consumers three years ago might look completely different today.